A new fat biking and Nordic adventure exists just a stone’s throw away from us! The Great Yellowstone Cycle Trail is racing towards completion and that means great things for local fat bike and Nordic enthusiasts!
Imagine if you will, 180 miles of trail stretching from West Yellowstone, MT, all the way to Jackson, WY. This invaluable pathway is a local resource of recreational opportunities and ways to explore the area through connections with other trails for biking and hiking. As it is, you can already ride from West Yellowstone to Victor, ID and what remains is the last section that connects the top of Teton Pass to Victor.
If you’re looking for some side trip variations, there is an extensive network of groomed snowmobile trails that do well for a fat bike, and depending on conditions, could also do well for Nordic skiing.

There are several highlights of this trail that we have already experienced, hence the excitement over this trail being completed! To name a few, consider the Ashton-Tetonia section, the Felt to Bitch Creek Bridge and the West Yellowstone to Reas Pass. In fact, the trail section of the old Yellowstone railroad through Tetonia and Ashton make for an excellent summer mountain biking tour and a superb winter fat-biking experience. The views are breathtaking from this 30-mile section.

If you are looking for a quiet, non-motorized section, we would recommend the West Yellowstone to Reas Pass 11 mile stretch. And the Felt to Bitch Creek Bridge makes for a nice relaxing XC ski tour that is a short drive away. Fat biking is already popular in the Island Park sections!There is a mix of options up in that region, with Harriman State Park area being best for skiing.


Wyoming Pathways is helping to encourage regional planning and coordination of this 180-mile tour and has already received some funding thus far from the Rails to Trails organization. New donations would be welcome to support the continued collaboration with the communities along the trail and of course, Wyoming Pathways is a non-profit organization.

The Greater Yellowstone Cycle Trail is a great way to see this area, both in the winter and in the summer. To learn more about this expansive trail, visit the Wyoming Pathways website for more information.

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  • 25 Mar 25 – Daily Trail Report
    General Weather – Sunshine and warm weather Mountain Weather is forecasting a big warm up. While the valleys may be balmy there is still lots of snow to slide on, ride on, and hike on in the mountains. For a detailed daily forecast check out mountainweather.com. What’s Groomed Today? Every Day Tuesday Be sure to check the real-time grooming situation of your chosen trail by clicking the links above as trail grooming is dependent on… Read More