If you plan to embark on any adventures in the mountains this year then you absolutely need a comprehensive, portable, and lightweight first aid kit. Long days in the Tetons can leave you with blisters, burns, cuts, stings, allergies, and other unexpected conditions. Most importantly, first aid kits can save your life! If you need some first aid kit ideas, keep reading for our list of wilderness must-haves in Jackson Hole. 

Do You Really Need a First Aid Kit in Jackson Hole? (Yes!)

Even if you’re hiking on a popular trail, you still need an adequate first aid kit. Unexpected events happen in the mountains. The weather turns cold and your fingers go numb, a cloudy day turns sunny and you get a sunburn, you trip on a steep slope and slide onto some sharp rocks, you suddenly get diarrhea out of nowhere, or your allergies flare up even though it’s not allergy season anymore. Whatever the case may be, you need a comprehensive first aid kit. The mountains in Jackson Hole can be unforgiving at times—so come prepared. 

The last thing you want is for Teton County Search and Rescue to be called when a situation could have been avoided by a little extra planning on your part. Even if your situation isn’t dire without a first aid kit, you’re more likely to enjoy your adventures to the fullest if you have everything you need before you set foot on the trail.

Common injuries in the Jackson Hole wilderness include:

  • Sprained or twisted ankles (from steep slopes and uneven terrain) 
  • Blisters (because of long trails, new shoes, or wet feet) 
  • Cuts and abrasions (from off-trail hiking, bouldering, mountain biking accidents, sharp lake bottoms, tree branches, shrubs, etc) 
  • Allergic reactions (from bees or pollen)
  • Fractures (from mountaineering, biking, and skiing)
  • Sunburn
  • Soft Tissue Injuries  (i.e. a torn ACL from skiing) 

Your Jackson Hole First Aid Kit Should Meet Your Needs

This may seem obvious but it’s essential that you create your first aid kit to fit your needs. 

Before you pack your first aid kit, think about your (or your group’s) medical conditions, the length and duration of the trip, the area you’re headed into, and the time of year that you’re adventuring. Don’t just buy a first aid kit in Jackson Hole and never open it up until you have an emergency in the mountains. Take the time to really think about what YOU need and then create a first aid kit that meets your requirements.

Buy a First Aid Pouch in Jackson Hole or Create Your Own

Pre-Made First Aid Kits

Pre-made first aid kits are a great option to get you started. You can buy them at Teton Mountaineering, High Country Outfitters, Skinny Skis, Rei, Stone Drug, Ace Hardware, and local grocery stores in Jackson. Always open them up, take a peek inside, and supplement with any additional medications, bandages, or other gear you may need.

DIY First Aid Kits

If you want to get a little creative, make your own first aid kit. Buy a water resistant and lightweight pouch to store all of your go-to supplies. This is a great option if you want to buy supplies in bulk and refill the pouch as you use its contents. Plus, you can tailor a DIY kit to your needs better than a pre-made kit. It’s up to you!

Hiking trail in the fall

The Ultimate Supply Checklist for Your Jackson Hole First Aid Kit

While our list is by no means a completely comprehensive supply list, it should point you in the right direction before you need to pack for your next trip.


  • Pain Relief – Ibuprofen/Advil, Acetaminophen/Tylenol, Aspirin
  • Antihistamine – Benadryl or another medication for allergic reactions
  • Prescriptions – i.e. EpiPen, antibiotics, etc
  • Anti-itch Cream – ointments like Hydrocortisone treat insect bites, rashes, dermatitis, eczema, and allergies
  • Eye Drops – high altitude and a dry climate may increase your need for eye drops
  • Diarrhea Medication – you don’t want to be unprepared for this and 10 miles deep in the backcountry!
  • Laxative – long travel days on your way to Jackson Hole as well as freezer-dried meals on a backpacking trip will make you think twice before you forget a laxative
  • Antacid – heartburn relief for those who typically experience this issue
  • Sunscreen – the sun is relentless at high elevations like we have in Jackson Hole—sun protection is a must!

Wound Care

  • Bandages – include an assortment of sizes as well as coverings for blisters like Moleskin 
  • Rolled Gauze
  • Alcohol or Antiseptic Wipes – It’s crucial that you include something that can clean a wound and sterilize your other first aid equipment
  • Medical/Athletic Tape – use to secure bandages or gauze
  • Wound Closures – Steri-strips secures, closes, and supports any small cuts or wounds you may get on the trails


  • Tweezers – use them to remove bee stings, ticks, splinters, or any other object embedded in your skin
  • Scissors – these are helpful when you need to cut gauze, tape, bandages, or other gear
  • Waterproof Fire Starter – Long trips, remote trails, and harsh weather conditions will make you always want to keep one of these handy


  • Emergency Blanket – you can purchase a compact blanket that only weighs 2.5 oz and may save your life if the weather drastically changes or you’re stranded somewhere
  • Emergency Bivy – Similar to the emergency blanket, a bivy is a ultra-lightweight compact survival sack for an emergency overnight stay when you expected a day-trip instead   
  • Hand Warmers – While these are a no-brainer if you’re nordic skiing in the winter, late summer cold snaps will give you reason to add hand warmers to your kit
  • Medical Card – write your name, address, medical conditions, primary doctor’s name, and any other relevant information to this card

Now You’re Prepared for Unexpected Emergencies in Jackson Hole

Although emergencies in the mountains are never pleasant, we hope that our first aid checklist can help set you up for success in all of your outdoor adventures. 

If you’re looking to prepare yourself further, take a wilderness first aid course in your hometown or enroll in a local Jackson Hole course—there’s no such thing as being too prepared! Stay safe and enjoy our trails.

Wilderness First Aid + CPR for JHSC Parents & Friends

November 9 & 10, 2023
For the first time ever, we are sponsoring WFA + CPR for JHSC staff, JHSC Parents and JHSC Friends (over 18) through NOLS! Do not miss this opportunity!

Cost is $350 for the WFA + CPR course.

Register for this amazing course that will help you gain confidence and awareness in the great outdoors!

NOLS Wilderness First Aid + CPR for
JHSC Student-Athletes

November 11 & 12, 2023 @ Jackson Hole Community School
Cost is $350

For the first time, JHSC is offering our student-athletes the chance to gain greater training with Wilderness First Aid + CPR through NOLS. This is a HUGE opportunity for your athlete to gain confidence and training for the outdoors. What: Wilderness First Aid + CPR with NOLS When: November 11 & 12, 2023 (Saturday/Sunday). 

To register go to jhskiclub.org and click on the “Registration” tab. Then either keyword “WFA” in the search bar or click on “Other” to find the Student-Athlete WFA course. For ages 14 and older only. Please respond by this Friday, October 6 to secure your place. 

Explore JH Nordic



  • September Trail Report
    JH Nordic Spotlight: Board Member Dave Bergart How many Nordic-y things are you involved in?JHNA board member, TRC race director, competitor in international race circuit (racing the Norwaigen birkie this year!), dad of 2 girls on the GTSSF Nordic (and alpine) team.  What are 3 trails you love that would be fun to go see now on a bike or a walk/run before the snow flies, and why?1. Moose Creek>Taylor loop>Moosecreek – TVTAP did an incredible job this summer… Read More