Women’s Skate Skiing Clinic
Teton Pines Nordic Center -with Kim Springer
If you’d like to improve your skate technique and fitness, come join us for three Skate lessons at Teton Pines. We’ll improve our glide on skate skis and learn to be more efficient uphill, downhill, and review the different skating strides.These clinics are for those with some skate skiing experience who would like to improve. We will cover more than the basics to get you skating longer distances with ease and going up and down hills with proficiency and confidence. Each session will be part instruction with plenty of time to ski and practice. $50/Clinic or $135 for all 3 ($45/Clinic for Teton Pines Nordic Center season pass holders). Rentals available for $35. Trail pass is included.
Questions or to register: Call Teton Pines Nordic Center at: (307) 733-1733
Instructor: Kim Springer