Masters Recreational Nordic Cross Country Ski Clinic
Hosted by Masters Coach Scott Horn & JH Ski Club Nordic team coaches, these fun, informative, practiced based clinics will allow you to develop your full Nordic skiing technique, balance, stride, stamina, and overall fitness while having fun in a small group. This week is a cross-country ski clinic.
Register online: https://register.jhskiclub.org/user/login?destination=node/11550
(Create an account, log in, go to the Dashboard, then follow the blue Account Setup Wizard. Add yourself both as the participant and the parent.)
BYO ski equipment or rent from Teton Pines Nordic Center or any local Nordic rental shop (see JHNordic.com/Resources/)
BYO mask. Please arrive a few minutes early to sign-in. Questions: email info@jhnordic.com
Full series info & dates: https://jhnordic.com/jackson-hole-nordic-recreational-masters-clinics-classic-cross-country-skate-ski-21-22-season/